Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Steve Lacy Tribute

I went to a concert last night that was a tribute for Steve Lacy held at New England Conservatory(where he tought). The fist half was alot of the top NEC jazz guys(some players you would have really been into, Dan) but the second half was different arrangements of the following: Dave Leibman, George Garzone, Danilo Perez, Bob Moses, Ran Blake and a few others that i was unfamiliar with(including Lacy's wife who is a singer). It was a really amazing night of music. Ran Blake(who, when on stage, prefers all the lights off) played 'Round Midnight in such an ingenious and extremely, extremely advanced way that the only real way to tell it wasn't Scriabn or someone was the fact that he still played the melody strongly(a rarity in this sort of setting). Leib blew is ass off. Perez is a comper to rival Herbie. Garz on soprano is unreal. Things like that.


Blogger Danny Meyer said...


11:06 PM  

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